How much exercise should you be doing, what specific stretches or exercises should you be doing and what else is important to enhance your immune system? In this video Lucy Macdonald, Your Marathon Your Physio, answers these questions and more.
Come and join us on our growing Facebook community for all the latest videos and news on how to stay healthy over the next few months. Just find the page ‘Octopus Clinic’ and click on the like button.
Here are the links to the exercises mentioned in the video. Only do them if they are pain free.
Come and join us on our growing Facebook community for all the latest videos and news on how to stay healthy over the next few months. Just find the page ‘Octopus Clinic’ and click on the like button.
If you would like to watch our latest videos on running injuries and marathon training please click on the following links:
Lucy’s favourite running exercise
Muscle strains and muscle pain
ITB pain – pain at the outside of the knee
I have a running injury, will I be able to run the marathon. With three months to go.
Should I run if I am ill and how to return to running after being ill?
For more info on how Lucy Macdonald can support you on your marathon journey please watch this video which also contains her top three tips on preventing injury training for a marathon.
You can contact Lucy directly on, via this website (where you can also find lots of free running exercise videos) and on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
If you would like to book an appointment, please click on this link.
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