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ITB and TFL release

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ITB Release

  • Lie on your side on a foam roller and use your body weight to massage the tight spots along the outside of the thigh – rock back and forth for 30 seconds at each painful spot. Be sure to also release your TFL (see below.)

TFL release

  • It is just as important to release the TFL as well as the ITB, even though it is further away from the knee. Do the same as the ITB, but when you get close to the top move your body so you are slightly facing the floor with the pressure slightly to the front. Just below the bony bit of your pelvis. It is sometimes easier to use a rubber ball or something similar to do this

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Please note that although the advice and exercises provided are designed to assist your recovery they are not a replacement for seeing a Physiotherapist or Osteopath. It is essential that you always make sure you see your Doctor, Osteopath or Chartered Physiotherapist beforehand to diagnose your injury and guide you through recovery.

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