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Free Online Physio Exercise Videos: Learn to train and stretch correctly with a Specialist Physiotherapist

The eighty-seven videos include exercises for the treatment and prevention of back pain, knee pain, sports injuries and work-related pain. The exercises can be done at your desk, at home or in the gym and include sports specific exercises like running drills and bike set up.


Video Categories Include:

  • Back
  • Knee
  • Shoulder
  • Hip and groin
  • Foot and ankle
  • Neck
  • Headaches
  • Chronic or Persistent Pain
  • Office Based Exercises
  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Skiing and Snowboarding
  • Dynamic and Static Stretching


Simple to use

Search for specific injuries and stretches using our search tool. Our experienced physiotherapists will then guide you through each exercise using clear explanations and demonstrations.


Exercises at Your Desk at Home

Discover exercises and stretches you can do at your desk to improve your sitting and standing posture, prevent and treat back and knee pain and exercises to reduce stress, pain and headaches.


Exercises for the Gym and Sport

Learn how to stretch properly, prevent sports injuries, improve biomechanics and train muscles like your deep abdominals and gluts to improve sports performance. Plus, sports specific exercises like running drills, ski technique and bike set up.



Designed for individuals and healthcare professionals

GPs and Consultants

Give your patients access to the latest research and evidence-based exercises to help them correct biomechanics, train functionally and return to sports and day to day activities quickly and safely.

Physiotherapists and Osteopaths

Access the video library that includes both early stage and high-level rehab exercises, to save you time drawing or writing exercises and enhance your patients’ recovery. The videos use thorough, detailed explanations of technique to ensure your patients fully understand how to do them.


Physical Trainers and Coaches

Help your clients prevent pain and get the most from their workouts. Including demonstrations on how and when to carry out stretching, foam rolling, squats, deep core muscle training, planking, shoulder positioning for presses and pulls and postural adjustments in sitting, standing and on the bike.


I hope you have found this useful, please get in touch if you have any comments or queries. For more on our services please check out the rest of this website. To book now email info@octopusclinic.com or call 02075838288.

… and don’t forget to share with anyone with friends, family and colleagues.

Thanks! Lucy


Lucy Macdonald

Chartered Physiotherapist


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