This article I have been quoted in in the Times give advice on how to treat and prevent knee pain including a quote by me about knee braces.
I had no idea that I was quoted in this article until an old patient of mine told me about it, thanks Anne! Anyway, here it is… Coping with Knee Pain how to keep your legs bendy whatever your age.
I would have loved to have said more (no surprise there) on the subject but if you want to know more about knee pain and what can be done about it you can either have a rummage around this website or you can get in touch with me at or call 02075838288 to book in.
The long and short of it is that there’s no shortcuts to healthy knees, you need to get them strong with exercises. Luckily we have lots of free exercise videos on this website to get you started with strengthening your knees and making sure you are moving correctly.
Lucy Macdonald
Chartered Physiotherapist
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