Do you want to know all the latest information on how to run a marathon without getting injured, run it at your best and enjoy the journey? The comprehensive ‘Octopus Clinic Marathon Handbook’ is a combination of over twenty years of experience supporting marathon runners and treating running injuries. This is combined with the latest in evidence-based running research written in a way that is easy to understand and apply. It breaks down the information into six digestible monthly sections.
A digital copy of the Octopus Clinic Marathon Handbook is included in the support packages we offer charities. For more information please get in touch with
We have broken down the information into six monthly bites but the more you read the earlier on the less chance you will have of getting injured and the more chance you will have of enjoying your marathon training experience.
To find out more or to book an appointment please email or call 02075838288.
We look forward to continuing to supporting you on your marathon journey.
Lucy Macdonald and the Octopus Clinic Team
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