If you have back and/or hip pain at the moment you are not alone. There are lots of people in less than ideal working set ups at the moment working from home and this is leading to lots of achy backs and hips. The best way to avoid this pain is to get up regularly and move, do exercises and make sure you are well supported in your chair. However, sometimes we do just need to sit down and work for long periods and this is where seated exercises come in handy.
Make sure that you get any back or hip pain assessed and treated by a physiotherapist or osteopath before doing any of these exercises. We are doing all assessments and treatments by video link at the moment, please get in touch by email at reception@octopusclinic.com to find out more or call 02075838288.
Come and join us on our growing Facebook community for all the latest videos and news on how to stay healthy over the next few months. Just find the page ‘Octopus Clinic’ and click on the like button.
You can contact Lucy directly on lucymacdonaldphysio@hotmail.co.uk, via this website (where you can also find lots of free running exercise videos) and on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
If you would like to book an appointment, please click on this link.
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